Biker Justice: A Skull Kings MC Novella Page 3
I slip the straps of your top off your shoulders and slowly undress you. I lay you down on the bed and suck on your perfect nipples. I rub my hard cock on your soft skin, across your clit.
I’m ready, I typed back. Put it inside. I slid two fingers into my pussy as I waited for his reply.
I put my cock inside you. You feel so tight, hot, and wet. I moan and whisper your name.
I closed my eyes. “Logan,” I said in a low voice. I began working my fingers up and down, in and out. My hips rose and fell against my hand as I imagined Logan on top of me, his tattooed forearms on either side of my head, whispering my name. And I imagined him doing the same, writhing alone on top of his bed as he jerked his fist over his long, thick python of a cock, my breathless voice in his head.
I struggled to type out my next message. We roll over so I’m on top. I ride your huge dick.
I grab your ass to hold you and fuck you hard and fast. Do you like that, baby?
I want it harder.
I pull your hair back and bite your neck. I suck on your nipples as I fuck harder up inside you.
“Fuck me, Logan,” I whispered. My eyes screwed shut as I flicked my fingers faster. I dropped my phone so my other hand could migrate down to my clit. I rubbed and fingered myself hard, all the while picturing Logan’s hands and mouth on my body.
The phone pinged again. I picked it back up hastily with my wet fingers. I want you to cum.
I’m close.
I grab your thighs and pull them up. I slam my dick into your tightness, making you scream.
I spread my legs wider, feeling myself tighten around my fingers. I slipped my camisole off my shoulders, exposing my breasts. My nipples peaked immediately as they were touched by the cold air.
Finally, I could feel myself getting close. I bit down on my lip. My skin grew hot and sensitive all over my body. My pussy dripped around my hand. I could feel it staining the sheets beneath me.
“Oh, fuck,” I hissed.
My knees locked, shooting my legs straight, as I came. My pussy pulsed with each wave, pushing my fingers out. I grabbed my breasts and squeezed them together as I rode out my climax. Breathless and sweaty, I rolled over to the dry side of my bed. I rested my hands above my head and stared at the ceiling as I panted.
Damn, I thought to myself. I wondered if Logan had been able to come, too, but fell asleep before I got a chance to ask.
Chapter 3
Aspen stood on the front walk by her apartment building, ready to go in a cotton tank and jeans. I pulled up next to her and unlocked the door.
“Thanks for picking me up. Hiya Xander,” she said, throwing a smile to my son in the backseat. She buckled herself in. “What smells so good?”
Xander held up the container in his lap. “Mom’s enchiladas.”
This was it. I’d picked up Aspen, so our next stop was the barbeque at the Skull Kings clubhouse. They’d always been my best customers at Buddy’s, and we’d always enjoyed a casual friendship of sorts. I’d even been to a few of their parties, before. But this was foreign territory. I hadn’t been invited as an afterthought this time. I was going because somebody specifically wanted me to be there: Logan.
“You okay?”
“Huh?” I said.
“Your hands are shaking.”
I gripped the steering wheel tighter. “Low blood sugar.”
“Uh-huh,” Aspen said, not sounding convinced. “I heard with you-know-who from Liam.”
I nearly jerked the wheel. I cast a worried glance at Xander in the rearview. He merely stared bored out the window. “Jesus F. Christ.” I was more annoyed than frantic. “In what level of detail?”
Aspen chuckled lightly. “Nothing bad. But you know how the boys are.”
I did know. The brothers don’t keep secrets from each other. They were his exact words. I sighed, exasperated. “You must think I’m a righteous idiot.”
“No way! I think it’s nice that you’re...uh...” Aspen eyed me carefully and jerked her head toward Xander.
“Making new friends?” I offered.
“But a lot of my new friends get bored. It seems like it’s better to keep the good friends I already have,” I said.
I could practically hear the cogs turning in Aspen’s head as she tried to decipher my G-rated translation. But it didn’t take a genius to look at a girl in my situation and realize that I was so unlucky in the romance department, it was laughable. Twenty-five with a kid in elementary school, dead-end job, with barely a high school education. The desperation was probably written all over my face. No wonder sex was the only way I could hold onto a guy. After a while, I’d stopped even caring. Fostering my love life along with Xander was too exhausting, so I had to pick one.
So, could anyone blame me for being a little suspicious of Logan?
“He practically wanted to be friends overnight,” I said, relaying my thoughts out loud. “And it’s not like the same thing hasn’t happened to me before. I know how the movie ends, so why sit through the whole thing?”
“I just think you need to get to know him a little better,” Aspen said a little knowingly. “’re the one driving us there. You said yes.”
True. So if anything negative came out of this, I was the only person to blame.
Aspen pointed out the unpaved road that led to the clubhouse. I finally pulled into the gravel lot and shifted into park. A cool breeze combed through my hair as I took Xander’s hand and followed Aspen’s charging figure toward the party.
The crowd was modest for a Skull Kings shindig. Half of the attendees were clad in leather and chains; the other half was comprised of old ladies, regular townspeople, and children. A bounce house shaped like a dragon jerked around in the middle of the adjacent field, its twitching belly full of children.
Liam was the first to break away from the crowd, spying Aspen immediately. Seeing him embrace and greet her with a kiss made my heart warm and ache at the same time.
“Glad you made it.”
His voice made ice crawl up my back. I turned to look at a grinning Logan, hands shoved sheepishly in his pockets. He spotted Xander lingering near my hip and squatted down to his level.
“Hey, buddy! What’s your name?”
“Cool name. Mine’s Logan.”
They shook hands like business associates. I hid my smile behind my hand.
“I’m going to drop this off with Shayna,” I said.
Making sure to keep an eye on my son, I took my container of enchiladas to the buffet spread, where the reigning queen of Canyon City held court with a cluster of the MC’s old ladies. Shayna balanced her cigarette carefully as she gave me a one-armed hug.
“Who knew, huh?” she muttered in my ear.
She jerked her chin toward Logan and Xander. “He’s great with kids. I bet you didn’t know that.”
“Why would I?”
Shayna shrugged. “Just thought you’d find it interesting,” she said with a mischievous smirk.
I scanned the faces of the other old ladies. “What are you guys not telling me?”
Heather, a redhead in her forties with a smoky voice, sighed dramatically, calling for my attention. “Logan’s courting you, Carmen. Isn’t it obvious?”
I straightened my shoulders. “Not exactly, no. It wasn’t my first thought when he tried to get me drunk and naked.”
Another old lady I didn’t recognize snorted. “Don’t act like you don’t like the attention. It’s just how the boys roll. We’ve all been there.”
I flinched. Did I like the attention? After all, as annoying as Logan was, our banter wasn’t malicious. It was almost like the dynamic of an older sister with a younger kid brother. This shift in our relationship made me feel dizzy, confused, and excited, but almost in a good way. Seeing him in this new light was...wrong.
But wrong was sexy.
Xander ran up to me
, towing a little boy I recognized from his class at school. “Can I go in the dragon, Mom?”
I glanced toward the field. Several of the older Kings flanked the bounce house, supervising the kids. “Sure, honey. Have fun,” I said with a smile. I fixed my gaze on his running form, pretending I couldn’t see the old ladies giggling in the periphery.
“Oh, look! There’s Logan talking to Lisbeth!”
I fell out of my trance and turned to look at Logan a few yards away at the keg. Heat flushed through my face as the old ladies shrieked with laughter.
“Oh, ha ha. Fine, you caught me being interested,” I said sarcastically, stalking away.
Logan held two beers, one in each hand, as he chatted with Lisbeth.
“One of those better be for me,” I said, making him jump.
“It is, in fact,” Logan replied without missing a beat.
Lisbeth regarded me with wide, round eyes, as if I’d caught her doing something wrong. “Hi, Carmen,” she said quickly before hurrying away.
I frowned as I watched her go. “That was awkward. What were you guys talking about?”
“Nothing important. I was just grilling her about all those showers you took together growing up.”
Scandalized, I could do nothing but choke on my outrage and whip him with the back of my hand. “We never—I babysat her—plus, she’s still a kid!”
Logan laughed. “Relax! I was just joking!”
“Well, that’s a pretty tasteless joke.”
“I just like pushing your buttons.” He paused to take a drink out of his cup. “You’re hot when you get all flustered.”
My mind stopped and began running in reverse. In the span of two seconds, Logan went from irritating to predatory.
“Why didn’t you call me?” he whispered, drifting closer and closer to my body.
I stiffened and inched away. “I texted you,” I said.
The corner of Logan’s mouth curled up. “Texting barely counts.”
I inhaled sharply, trying to still my heart. “Logan, what exactly do you want from me? You’ve been in town for a couple of years already and started pursuing me barely yesterday.” And by “pursue” I meant trying to get in my pants.
“Is it so wrong that I find you sexy and irresistible?” Logan said, grabbing for my hip.
I ducked out from under his reach, casting a panicked glance at the crowd. “Someone could see us!” I spotted Xander in his green tee shirt standing in line for the bounce house, a suitable distance away.
Logan placed his hand tentatively on my shoulder. It hovered cautiously for just a second before touching down on me. “Then, why don’t we go somewhere nobody can see us?”
I turned to look at him, wide-eyed. He grinned and tilted his head toward the clubhouse.
* * *
It was my first time inside the Skull Kings man cave. The track lights in the ceiling were tacky, but they cast a sexy, dim light in the windowless space. Harley-Davidson memorabilia lined the walls, along with some photos of the Skull Kings over the years. I even recognized Harry, the original Buddy’s owner, mugging beside Liam Olsen’s father inside of a frame.
Logan’s hands pressed into my shoulders from behind as I contemplated the photograph.
“Give me what I want,” he whispered.
I shivered as he combed my hair off of my neck. He pulled my shirt off of my shoulder and kissed my skin there. I closed my eyes. “My kid’s outside. I can’t.”
“But you want to, don’t you?”
I licked my lips. I’d spent the days since that night we’d sexted thinking about all the reasons Logan and I were a bad idea, whether it was just sex or something more. But whatever reasons I came up with buzzed around in my head like fruit flies, darting beyond my grasp every time I reached.
Before I could string together two words, Logan’s hands slid around my waist and pulled me against his chest. His hips bumped against my rear, and he lingered there, holding me close.
“This won’t take long,” he whispered, already working my jeans open.
I moaned, partly out of protest, but mostly from excitement as his hand slid down the front of my panties. He breathed steadily against my earlobe as his fingers groped toward my pussy.
“Mm,” he intoned in delight, finding me wet as his fingertip grazed my clit.
I turned my head to kiss him. My mind liquefied as our mouths melted together, swirling and sucking and breathing as one unit. After a few moments, Logan unstuck himself and slipped his hand out of my pants briefly enough to lead me to a black leather couch. Then, he gently eased me down into a sitting position and knelt between my knees.
“Logan, please. We can’t,” I said breathlessly. Even though I wanted to, so badly, somebody in this room had to keep her head on straight.
Logan glanced up at me, blue eyes burning against mine. “Trust me,” he said.
My stomach heaved as he pulled my sandals off and began tugging my jeans to the floor. He made no moves to undress himself. I bit down on my lip as he curled his index fingers over the waistband of my panties.
“I want to taste you,” he murmured as he slid them over my legs. They ended up in a ball in his fist, and he chucked them to the side.
Cold air licked up my legs when he pushed my thighs apart. My pussy tingled, exposed and vulnerable. Logan kissed my knees, working his way up slowly. My stomach coiled tightly, and I had to keep reminding myself to breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale.
Finally, Logan drew close to me, close enough to feel my heat on his face. He grazed his bottom lip against my outer folds, his eyes on mine, as if he were asking for permission. “Is this okay, baby?”
I gasped as I felt the air of his words brushing against my wetness. I nodded.
Logan drew apart my lower folds and began licking at my clit in earnest. My breath hitched as I squirmed on the couch. He had to hold my hips in place as his lips and tongue worked their magic.
My chest heaved when he slid his fingers inside of my pussy, stroking at my G-spot as his tongue matched his rhythm. The edges of my vision turned black as my brain melted into goo, unable to concentrate on anything but sheer pleasure. I gripped the edges of the couch cushions, needing him all of a sudden, his mouth on my breasts, his cock inside of me...
As if reading my mind, Logan groaned. His free hand whipped down to his crotch where he began rubbing the bulge in his pants.
“Fuck me,” I said through gritted teeth. I grabbed Logan’s sandy hair in my fists, squeezing and pulling.
When he attacked my clit and pussy with more vigor, I cried out. My back arched off of the couch, raising my breasts to the ceiling. Logan reached up and squeezed me there, his grip strong and forceful through layers of fabric. His index finger slipped past my collar, past the edge of my bra, and brushed against my nipple.
My entire body shook as my pussy walls tightened around his fingers. I could feel it coming. I was done for. Then, he pulled some maneuver with his fingers that pushed me over the edge, and I came. Right in his mouth.
My pussy spasmed. He licked at my leaking, dripping hole as I endured wave after wave of orgasm, the most intense one I’d had in a while. Finally, I came to a shuddering stop and stared, panting, at him as he wiped his mouth.
“Damn!” he said breathlessly, as if he were the one who’d just climaxed.
I caught sight of the clock just over his shoulder. Just as he’d promised, it hadn’t taken very long at all.
* * *
The atmosphere outside was just as we’d left it. Kids screamed in the bounce house. The air was pungent with the smell of grilled meat. Logan gave me a flirty smile before disappearing to get me another beer.
“Well, aren’t you glowing?” Aspen remarked, sidling into my view.
I rolled my eyes. “Please. Don’t say anything, or I’ll punch you.”
“Aw, why do you have to be like that? For what it’s worth, I’m happy that you and Logan have been hitti
ng it off.”
“Sh!” I hissed. “Look, I’m not like you, okay? My life isn’t a Jane Austen novel. I can’t just go trusting every guy that thinks I’m decent to look at. It’s different when you have a kid.”
“Still doesn’t stop you from having a taste, though, does it?”
“Shut up. Just shut up.”
Aspen chuckled as her gaze wandered across the yard. I caught her staring at Liam, who was making googly eyes back at her. I sighed. Part of me was annoyed. Did Aspen and Liam have to be so perfect?
And where was Logan with my beer?
I shaded my eyes, scanning the crowd. Xander was nearby. Somebody had given him a water gun, and he was having fun darting around the field with some other kids. I was irritated for a second, thinking about him sitting in his damp clothes on the drive home. Then I continued looking, grazing over clusters of Kings and commoners, old ladies and prospects, until I found him.
Talking to Lisbeth.
Her arms were crossed defensively over her chest. I couldn’t read lips, but I recognized Logan’s stance immediately. His crooked smile, the loose way he jutted out his hip, it was all typical Logan, and Logan was typically a flirt.
That’s just how he is, I told myself.
Chapter 4
The Sudsy Lady Laundromat was the last stop on the main drag before you crossed the railroad tracks, which was the dividing line that designated what was “in town” vs. not. Most people preferred to work in town and closer to the interstate. Lisbeth, of course, was a creature of her own devices; when Liam demanded that she find a job, none of the in-town businesses would do, except for the Sudsy Lady.
Which was why I, a woman with her own washer and dryer, was cajoled into checking up on Lisbeth by her suspicious brother.
I parked the car and hauled a hamper full of clothes out of the backseat. The door to the Laundromat was propped open, and I immediately knew why upon walking in. Even with the afternoon sun beating down on the earth, it was still much cooler outside. I spotted Lisbeth easily leaning against the counter, looking miserable with her dark hair stuck to her forehead and neck.